Fusion SDK AdHoc profile?

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S Stephen Hauck 3 years 3 months ago
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OK, I am trying to create an AdHoc profile using the Fusion SDK like so.


adhoc As New Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.AdhocProfileData("myprofile", "myssid") Now I need to set things like the IP and encryption so..... The documentation shows the following myAdhocProfileData.Encryption.WepKey(0) = "123456789A" WepKey is unfortunately read only....... A little help?

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2 Replies

P Prashanth Kadur

It should be "WepKeys", not "WepKey" as in the documentation. Where do you see the ReadOnly error?  Is this a compiling or runtime error? The "WepKeys" is an array of obejcts and it is read only.  But an individual element of the array should be "get" and "set" enabled. For example, you should be able to add the following code: string myWepKey = myAdhocProfileData.Encryption.WepKeys[0]; or myAdhocProfileData.Encryption.WepKeys[0] = "123456789A";

S Stephen Hauck

The hover over shows read only as does your documentation. It appears to compile but I have not been able to test it as I am still waiting for an answer on another question regarding how to determine if a profile is ad hoc or infrastructure.

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