Showcase II with XR480 GEN2 EPC lenght

M Michal Drabek 3 years 7 months ago
1 1 0

Date: 9/13/2011 Product: XR480 fw 3.4.4 Clarify: 2452105 Have 2 tags with EPC memory size of 128bits and in Showcase with XR480 seems to have problem with reading this. It shows shorter value, while with FX7400 reads both correctly. Web console of the XR480 shows also both tags full EPC length. This seems to be a problem of Showcase II Is this known? Many thanks Michal

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1 Replies

M Michal Drabek

fyi Got a reply from Ecrt Rfid-RFIDECRT:
Showcase II only displays 96 bits (12 bytes) EPC ID because the default tag storage setting of RFID3 API specifies that the maximum Tag ID length is 12 bytes, and unfortunately Showcase II cannot change this setting.

A work-around solution is to run the RFID3 host sample application from EMCK for .NET SDK, in which you can change the tag storage setting to specify a Tag ID length longer than 12 bytes.  After you install the EMDK for .NET, the location of this sample App is at:

C:\Program Files\Motorola EMDK for .NET\v2.5\Windows CE\Samples VS2005(or V2008)\C#\CS_RFID3_Host_Sample2 

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