MC3190 Ethernet issue

// Expert user has replied.
M Michal Drabek 3 years 3 months ago
19 9 0

1) Time/Date  08/05/2011

2) Response time 3 days

3) Product MC3190

4) OS Version CE6.0

5) Clarify Case # 2424046 Hi all customer complains  that connection to the Ethernet is not possible With IPv6 stack activated, NEBIOS request is done over IPV6, but no resolution is done because PC doesn’t support IPV6. With no IPV6 stack we haven’t anymore NETBIOS request.The MC3190 are connected over network with 4slot Ethernet cradle. It works apparently on MC3090. I am attaching 2 trace files one from working MC3090 and not working 3190. May I kindly ask someone to look into them and confirm the issue? Many thanks in advance michal

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9 Replies

M Michal Drabek

Dave I am attaching trace of MC3090 request sent by customer where the request and response should be OK. Request is done by GL Application. many thanks Michal

D David Meyer

Hi Michal, I think there is enough information here that we should open an SPR to assign someone to look into this further.  I can't promise that the end result won't be that Microsoft changed the behavoir and intends it to work like this, but lets get the SPR opened to investigate further. Thanks, Dave

D David Meyer

Please clarify this.  DNS is generally used for a lookup of full domain names.  Is the customer complaining that if they do get a response from the DNS server saying that name doesn't exist that there isn't any NETBIOS lookup, but if the DNS server does NOT respond, that NETBIOS then follows up with a lookup? How is the customer trying to do the lookup? Is this via an API call, or via an existing application like the browser?  What application? Thanks, Dave

M Michal Drabek

DNS is generally used for a lookup of full domain names.  Is the customer complaining that if they do get a response from the DNS server saying that name doesn't exist that there isn't any NETBIOS lookup, but if the DNS server does NOT respond, that NETBIOS then follows up with a lookup? This is correct.
How do you try to do the lookup? Is this via an API call, or via an existing application like the browser?  What application?

We use two ways:

* Customer application

* Tierce diagnostique application (VXutils), for hostname ping request. (See attached file)

M Michal Drabek

This is answer from the customer: 
MC3190 ZIP : MAC : 00 :23 :68 :a1 :5d :9a and 00 :23 :68 :a1 :5d :a3 (changing with cradle slot position) hostname : WH3OP2SN5M

There is only one unique MC3xxx communication in each trace.The MC3190 is able to connect on network. We can ping the MC3190 on network and the MC3190 can resolve Full Qualified DNS Name.

Ex :

gm-cha74236lpo.galerieslafayette.ggl.inet is OK

gm-cha74236lpo is KO thank you

D David Meyer

If the customer does not want to use IPv6 in general, perhaps forcing the ethernet driver to not bind to IPv6 will help.  try this: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\LANNDS1\Parms] "ProtocolsToBindTo"="NOT","TCPIP6" Install this via a reg file, ensure you merge it, and then reboot. Dave

M Michal Drabek

Hi Dave,  I have sent this and this is the reply -----
IPV6 is disable with your registry setting (I have test it today, it’s work as I say in my precedent email in any case):


"ProtocolsToBindTo" = multi_sz: "NOT","TCPIP6"

It’s work also with my registry setting :




The IPV6 is not the really problem (it’s just forbidden on Galeries Lafayette LAN)

The really problem is those NETBIOS requests that aren’t done by MC3190 in case of DNS server give a response « can’t resolve hostname »

When the DNS server is not present, we see DNS request with no response from server and after we have the netbios request ….(that is working!) ----------

Example with MC3190 (with no IPV6 stack) is attached. Many thanks Michal

D David Meyer

Michal, Can you please explain a little more?  The trace for the MC3190 shows tons of working communication, so I don't know if I am just seeing other devices traffic or the one that you are looking into.  Could you tell us what MAC and IP addresses to look at? Also, what is failing?  Is just that Netbios doesn't work, or no communication at all? Thanks, Dave

M Michal Drabek

Dave, thanks for the reply. I have asked customer for the info and got out of office message untill 19 of August. I think it will take some time untill I will be able to answer

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