WAN Data connection interrupted when Red button pressed

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A Alex Esquijarosa Chavian 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

Team, Anyone seeing this behavior? When pressing Red button on physical keyboard the data connection is dropped. You can verify this looking at the status bar icon that goes from EDGE to just the antenna and signal strenght indicator. MC5574 with BSP 3.38 (WM 6.5.3). Thanks in advance. Alex.

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2 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

if a data connection is activated and you press Red Button briefly  MS will end the data connection. If however WMdialer is in use and call is in progress or a just initiated then pressing briefly Red Button will just end the call. Pressing longer then 1 second will end the data session. There is a Workaround approved by MS WM 6.1 Flags2: "Enables a disconnect button for GPRS connections to appear in the connectivity list. Also enables End key to disconnect GPRS." Setting value to; 18 disconnect button and timer,  8 disconnect button, 0 do nothing. Our default value is "Flags2"=dword:00000018 Changing to below it will disable the default behavior [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Phone "Flags2"=dword:00000000 Then Red button will not end a data connection anymore , Button will still function correctly in WMDialer Trade off is that you dont have a Disconnect button anymore when data connection is active in WM 6.1


Pressing the "red" button is forcing the connection to "hang up".  It might be worth putting in an SPR or calling support on this to see if you can get it changed.

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