MC65 USB Host max power

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H Herbert De Jong 3 years 9 months ago
1 7 0

clarify 2370332 MC65 OEM 21 Do we have a official written document explaining that MC65 in USB Host mode can draw max 100ma. customer get's this warning: " Warning! Usb host current over 100mA. Please, remove the Device!!  " The message is obtained by setting the MC65 in host mode (Pin 1 and 2 tied to Pin 7: ground) and draining approx. 300mA current between Pin 7 and pin 4 (USB_VCC) and increasing slightly. already explained that this is the design of ES400- MC65   but they insist on a official statement.

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7 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

so is a SPR needed for MC65  then to get ride of this message ? " Warning! Usb host current over 100mA. Please, remove the Device!!  "

D David Meyer

Thanks for the answer!  No other suggestions here.

H Herbert De Jong

obviously there seems to be a communication breakdown somewhere down the line PM Dawn Fennesy was contacted by TA and is now saying  Engineering confirmed that MC65 has 300mah USB max power.
Engineering told me, twice, MC65 can provide with 300mA.

Brno support told me the opposite - 100mA
I Replied that  USB Host mode is limited to 100 mah but can we get some  uniform answer somewhere detailed posted ? thanks

D David Meyer

Answer from dev team:
MC65 is 300mA.

ES400 is 100mA Dave

D David Meyer

Herbert, Are you saying that a customer is messing around with pins putting a short or load between different pins to test this?  Shouldn't this void that customer's warrenty?  We are designed to attach to USB devices.  The customer could potentially break something doing this! Dave

H Herbert De Jong

Hello Dave, i agree, That statement is also part of my answers  and we always advice TA's to go for CPR or for GRIP requests and not do these kind of experiments themselves for customized cables or cradles. as they will void warranty or will find them unsupported with certain 'home made' cables afterwards. But a lot of them dont give up and keep asking for questions like this. in this case they want Host Mode with a snapon cable and we only offer the singleslot with RDUYS08220007 adapter (USB host mode adaptor) if you have otherways to convince them i am happy for suggestions.

H Herbert De Jong

Steve Cundy replied by email:
Yes, the USB 2.0 Specification (attached), Section 7.2.1 (page 171) clearly states the maximum current draw for

bus-powered USB devices, which is one unit load (defined to be 100 ma), unless the bus-powered

USB device is a Hub, in which case it may negotiate for up to five unit loads during configuration. will provide that extract of USB 2.0 spec to the customer as an answer.

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