
// Expert user has replied.
B Brad McDonald 3 years 9 months ago
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So how bad is Reprocess under MSP 3.3.1?  I had a MSP user Reprocess several hundred devices several times.  I see that there are several delivered with the same policy over and over, one device has the same policy delivered 25 times. How does someone go about pulling these deliveries back from the device?  I know it probably just a SQL statement or something like that. Is there a SQL administrator manual for cleaning up stuff like this, or just housekeeping of sorts? Thanks Brad

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2 Replies

A Allan Herrod

Brad; It is not clear to me what you are trying to "clean up".  No form of clean up in SQL alone is going to pull back or remove jobs that have been sent to a Relay Server.  Before we look for a solution, we really need to better understand what you are seeing. When you click reprocess, it basically resubmits a Policy to the Policy engine for all devices for which that Policy has failed.  This should cause at most ONE Job to be sent for each device for which the most recent result of a Job for that Policy was failed.  It should NOT send a Job for ANY device for which a Job sent for that Policy is delivered, completed, started, etc.  Once a Job is sent to a device for the Policy, clicking reprocess again should do nothing for that device since the state of the most recent Job for that device will no longer be failed. If the above is not happening, please open a case with the help desk so they can reproduce the issue and help you avoid it and/or submit a problem report if it is not working the way we intended it to. Thanks, Allan

B Brad McDonald

Hello, So, no SQL tools or scripts to help clean up errors with Reprocess? Thanks Brad

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