tune SAP web interface

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J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 9 months ago
3 6 0

Hi team,


A customer connects both MC3190 and MC9090 to SAP via IE. MC9090 display SAP web pages quite well, but MC3190 shows a much bigger screen. Web pages generated by SAP must have the intelligence to detect the resolution of mobile devices, but not smart enough to fit the 320 x 320 square one of MC3190.


Maybe the width of IE window on MC3190 can be adjusted to 240 pixels to make MC3190 the same resolution of MC9090’s QVGA one? If SAP just detect the width of IE screen, not the whole screen, this may be a effective workaround.

Maybe there is a switch on SAP side to generate smarter web pages? Besides 320 x 320 and QVGA devices, the customer also uses VGA ones.


Attached are the screens captured from MC3190 and MC9090, and the web page file.


Thank you!


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6 Replies

M Marcus Kurath

I dont necessarily suggest changing the  font size, and I dont have a CE6 device to try this with, but on the WM6.5 browser there is a circle in the lower Rt corner which opens up some screen controls in the browser. One is a slide bar which allws you to zoom the whole screen in or out. If you cqan size it correctly with the zoom, you can make that setting boot persistent with the cab i provided

J Jun-Hua Liu

It seems that we cannot resolve this problem on the MCD side. Any SAP experts can give us a hand?


Following are the test results of different MCDs with different browsers.




Display of SAP web pages

Buttons on SAP web pages

MC9090/MC70 WM5
MC9590 WM6




Teklogix Neo

Naurtech CETerm
(CETerm v5.5.3 for Neo can auto re-format web pages, but the same setting does not work on CETerm v5.5.7 for MC3190.)



MC3090 CE5

IE, Naurtech


Too wide.

MC3190 WM6



Too wide.
If use IE’s zoom out feature, characters are too small to be read.

MC3190 WM6



Narrow but not aligned.


IE + web pages modified by us




Attached are a web page we downloaded from SAP web server, and the screens captured on MCDs.


We went through that web page, and found if its structure can be modified as the steps shown in the folder of “how to modify SAP web pages”, Both MC3x90 and QVGA MCDs can display it quite well. “sap-sample-modified by us.rar” is the modified webpage.


Thank web page contains “SAP Integrated ITS, WebAS: DTS”. Is there a way to change the template on SAP system to make the web pages it generates fit both MC3190 and MC9090?


Thank you! Junhua

J Jun-Hua Liu

Hi Marcus, Thanks for your help! It seems that changing CxScreen is not a suitable solution because MC3090's screen flashes like an old style TV without antenna after modifying that registry and warm boot. Maybe that registy item is only for MC3190? Sorry, I only have an MC3090 CE5.0 on my hand, but the customer will use MC3190. I will test IEZoomLevel shortly. Thank you! Junhua

M Marcus Kurath

Actuallt the screen size reg is from an MC55A, but it is not supported.   I would suggest seeing if the zoom works manually to display properly. Then you can look at the registry value for  Preferred Zoom ...If you tell me what they are I will modify the value in the cab file

J Jun-Hua Liu

Hi Marcus, Even if I choose "the smallest font", the screen displayed by IE on MC3090 is still too big, not like the one on MC9090. That web page must expand its size according to the width of MC3090's screen, 320-pixel. Hope there is a way to change the screen width that MC3090 feedback, or let SAP generate web pages according to another number, the height of the screen. That should make IE display a thinner / narrower screen. Thank you! Junhua

M Marcus Kurath

You might want to look at (or modify) the registry keys below and see what happens. :):):)
This is an unsupported registry setting for QVGA – Try and let me know

; 240 x 320--note that the values are HEX



"CyScreen"=dword:140 There is also a way to permanently chage the zoom on the IE screen (assuming this is a web based application)which might help (attached)--if you can solve the problem by manually zooming the screen, then this might be useful to make the change persistent 


Put all of the files in the attached ZIP file in \Application and do a Clean Boot.  If you don’t want to Clean Boot, then after putting the files in \Application, copy IEZoomLevel.LNK to \Windows\Startup and then do a warm boot.  Every time the device reboots, it should re-run the REG file.

There is  utility called Win CE Cab Manager (http://www.ocpsoftware.com/ ) that lets me view the contents of CAB files and also lets me create them.  (Free for 30 Days) you will need this utility to modify the preferred Zoom value in the cab file

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