WZC or Fusion utility - Freeware?

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C Carl Pearson 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

A customer has 4000 MC5574s.  They do Fusion, but not WZC.  Even WZC is too complicated for their user community.  Might anyone have written a SIMPLE albeit limiited connection utility?  Or know of a 3rd party? See an SSID.  Tap connect.  Enter PassPhrase.  Connect and create a profile.  If the WLAN is too complicated, then no connection is made.  Normal connections are StarBucks and home wireless that is either WEP or TKIP. Think "Fusion Lite" or "WZC Lite."

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2 Replies

W William Honig

Carl, Its funny you said Fusion lite because that's exactly what's running on the MC65. I attached a document outlining the differences between full blown Fusion and Fusion lite which is found on the MC65 and ES400. If that’s too much for your customer in theory you should be able disable Fusion and load any Windows Mobile WiFi supplicant which works in conjunction with WZC for WM 6.5. I doubt many clients have officially been validated in the solutions lab but I know the Odyssey client has been validated against our other WZC based terminals so you might want to try that to see if the users find it easier from a usability stand point.

D David Meyer

You could also have the customer or a 3rd party write a "simple" application using the Fusion API to handle this.  (Quotes around simple because it probably isn't as simple for the person coding the app, just simple for the user) The general idea is that you would perform a Find WLAN or allow a user to enter an SSID, look at the informational elements from the BSSID table (this is the hardest part) and determine the type of security from there (and assume that you are never using enterprise security because you are talking about more of a hotspot config).  Then the application would prompt for a passphrase or key depending on what security mode was selected. Dave

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