Hotspots for a chained restaurant

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J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 9 months ago
1 3 0

Hi team,


A customer wants to provide hotspot service in thousands of its restaurants around the country. AAP is not a suitable choice before WiNG5 for RFS7000 is released because without Smart Forwarding, they do not want all the Internet access traffic comes into the wireless switches in their head or branch quarters.  However AP5131’s internal portal web page cannot be customerized like AP7131, but the customer prefers 5131 for some business reason. Is there any internal way to change AP5131’s portal page?


Another requirement is they want to record all the website access log into their application. Can syslog do that job, or a 3rd party application, such as ISA, is a suitable solution?


Thank you!



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3 Replies


Hi Junhua, why not using RFS7000 with WiNG 5.1 and AP6532 or AP6521? You will have local breakout, but all the Captive Portal and Logging Features from WiNG 5. Regards, Angelo

J Jun-Hua Liu

Hi Angelo, Yes, WiNG5 should be the best choice but it is not yet released for RFS7000. However, we are requesting the beta firmware since it seems that WiNG4 cannot meet the customer's requirement. Thank you! Junhua

J Jun-Hua Liu

Our customer is satisfied with AP7131’s customerized hotspot portal, but when IE is going to display the portal web page, it shows the security certificate of that web page is not ok, and guests have to click “continue to browse this web site” to show the portal page. Is there a way to bypass that prompt? Maybe we can replace HTTPS portal webpage with HTTP one, or provide a certificate trusted by default?


Our customer is also considering an external portal but since NAT is used in each store, is there a way to capture the real IP addresses of clients so that we tell one guest from another? Anyone can share a detailed document about the protocol used during the authentication process between AP7131 and an external authentication server?


Thank you!


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