Updated FCC filing information for 3.65GHz

B Bruce Collins 3 years 9 months ago
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We were notified by a customer that the FCC website options have changed for the 3.65GHz site registration process.  1. The site now has a drop-down list item specifically for cross-polarization (this used to require an entry of 'other' along with an explanatory attachment).  2. The entry for Modulation should only state:  QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM (removing the words adaptive modulation. 3. Another customer had some very old information with incorrect emissions designators. The FCC is delaying or rejecting applications that don't have the information presented exactly as they expect.  The attached walk-through has been updated to reflect these changes.  Please let me know if you hear of other changes that the FCC implements so we can keep the document current.  This document will be posted on teh PMP320 software downloads page as well for customers to get direct access http://wirelessbroadbandsupport.com/software Thanks, Bruce

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