Cellular Line Connection

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A Andrew Michael Robinson 3 years 9 months ago
1 5 0

Hi, I have a MC70 (WM5.0) and I configure it: Add a new modem connection. Enter a name. Select Cellular Line as the modem. Enter a phone number. Enter a Username and password. Click finish. Connect and everything works well. When I try the same thing on an MC65 or MC75A (WM6.5 OEM v I cannot get a connection. A partner has confirmed the issue on the MC65. They need a solution. Has anyone seen this issue or have a solution? (I think it may be a modem connection timeout issue?? can't see a reg key to tweak). All help appreciated. Andy

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5 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

Andy, couple of remarks. By limiting devices to 2G you can run into coverage problems. CSD Rasdial on 3G is by some providers not working i.e. Vodafone. But also CSD Rasdial is not guarantueed to work 100% on 2G. anyhow if you want to do the same on ES400 - MC65 with regkey see here:  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\NETWORKSELECT] "Sysid"=dword:4 Phone Network Setup applet will run at boot and if it finds Simcard and GSM network it will choose value 2
Network type and GSM/UMTS Preferred values.


2: GSM/UMTS_ONLY & Auto(GSM/UMTS),          (  default in EMEA GSM networks )



5: CDMA_first & Auto(GSM/UMTS),

6: GSM/UMTS_First & Auto(GSM/UMTS),

7: CDMA_first & GSM_ONLY,

8: CDMA_first & UMTS_ONLY,

9: GSM/UMTS_First & GSM_Only,

10: GSM/UMTS_First & UMTS_Only,

A Andrew Michael Robinson

Herbet, Thank you for your reply. Do you have a link to any MS articles on this that I can point the partner to? I have googled and can't see any articles that clearly advise celular line (GPRS). Regards, Andy

R Richard Linsley-Hood

From Microsoft ( http://www.microsoft.com/nz/windowsmobile/help/pocketpc/connections.mspx). This is for WM 5.0 but the same holds true for WM 6.0 and above. Note that it says "Wireless connections can be made via a mobile phone network or GPRS. If you are using a mobile phone network to connect, in the Select a modem list, tap Cellular Line. If you are using GPRS, tap Cellular Line (GPRS)."

A Andrew Michael Robinson

Hi, I have looked into the issue and resolved the issue with the following.
The configuration described in this section makes the device to select between 2G and 3G networks. The default behavior is that the device will automatically select the network.


The following registry setting is used to configure the WAN modem to either use 3G only or 2G only or to automatically select between the 2G/3G network.



Selection2G3G=dword:1 or 2 or 3


Possible values:

1 – Device will automatically select the network (default)

2 – Device will operate in GSM only (2G)

3 – Device will operate in UMTS only (3G)


After applying this registry setting, it is required to warm boot the device. The partner also applied the following on the MC65. I could not find that setting in the registry. But you can modify it via Start->Settings->Connections->Phone Network Setup. Tap on the Band Tab and change the GSM/UMTS Preferred setting to GSM Only. And it works perfectly. Thanks for all suggestions. Andy

H Herbert De Jong

Andy, When selecting a cellular line you create a CSD dialup connection and this is not a connection handled by Connection Manager. on WM 5.0 and 2G networks this was working. on WM 6.5 and some 3G networks this is not reliable working. MS recommends to use Connection Mgr and create a Cellular Line GPRS connection type instead.

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