GPS DEvice

D Daniel Teeters 3 years 9 months ago
1 4 0

I am looking for a GPS device that can be mounted in a vehicle and collect GPS tracking data. Then using bluetooth send this data to a Mobile Computer to be send to HQ. A year ago we had a partner that made such a device, does anyone remember this partner's name?

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4 Replies

W William Perryman

Dan, I will send you some info we are working on a project with them now. Bill

M Marcus Kurath

At the sales conference we had another vendor who also does Telematics and GPS. One of the guys in my group did a deal with them and they seemed to do a great Job. They differentiated themselves from Turnpike by the integration of their app to do many other things..Tur4npike is all about telematics and driver reports, but no Proof of delivery ot other applications. Sometimes when you put multiple apps on a device there are conflicts between the Apps, and you dont encounter this with Velocitor

Velocitor Solutions---Velocitor provides a  SW solution which provides an integrated route planning, telematics and Proof of delivery solution. WI-FI communication is used between a cab mounted device and the Motorola Mobile Computer. The cell modem is used to send data to the Velocitor dtat collection engine.

M Marcus Kurath

I believe you may be thinking about Turnpike Global. They were purchased by XATA

M Marcus Kurath

I believe you may be thinking about Turnpike Global. They were purchased by XATA

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