Obtain wlan adapter mac address from Fusion

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j jamie crawford 3 years 3 months ago
9 5 0

Hi, I'm a bit of a newb at vb, so bear with me..  I'm trying to get the mac address of the wlan adapter from fusion on a mc70,mc55,etc.. The emdk help file and samples isn't helping me much for this query so I am hoping someone can help here.   Here is my code...any help is greatly appreciated. thanks, jamiec Public Class Adapter     Public ReadOnly Property macaddress() As String         Get             Try                 Dim myAdapter As Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter                 Dim macaddress As Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter.SSIDInfo =myAdapter.MacAddress                 Return myAdapter.MacAddress             Catch ex As Exception                 Return "UNKNOWN"             End Try         End Get     End Property End Class

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5 Replies

A Anandakumar Gopalsamy

I used a function to enable/disable the radio by passing true/false to it. Here is the code
Imports Symbol.Fusion.WLAN Imports Symbol.Fusion

Public Class radiostate     Public Function enableradio(ByVal enable As Boolean) As Boolean         Try             Dim myWlan As WLAN = New WLAN(FusionAccessType.COMMAND_MODE)             Dim myAdapter As Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter = myWlan.Adapters(0)             If enable And myAdapter.PowerState.Equals(Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter.PowerStates.OFF) Then                 myAdapter.PowerState = Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter.PowerStates.ON             ElseIf Not enable And myAdapter.PowerState.Equals(Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter.PowerStates.ON) Then                 myAdapter.PowerState = Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter.PowerStates.OFF             End If             myWlan.Dispose()             Return True         Catch ex As Exception             Return False         End Try     End Function End Class

j jamie crawford

Hi, Thanks for the help.  That should get me going.  I need to convert it to the fusion assembly though as the Symbol.WirelessLAN is replaced by Symbol.Fusion in future emdk's.  I'll try to convert it tonight and post the new code. Thanks again. jamieC

A Anandakumar Gopalsamy

Hi,  If you want to use Symbol.Fusion assembly, you can use this code
Imports Symbol.Fusion.WLAN Imports Symbol.Fusion

Public Class Adapter     Private ReadOnly Property macaddress() As String         Get             Try                 Dim myWlan As WLAN = New WLAN(FusionAccessType.STATISTICS_MODE)                 Dim myAdapter As Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter = myWlan.Adapters(0)                 Return myAdapter.MacAddress             Catch ex As Exception                 Return "UNKNOWN"             End Try         End Get     End Property End Class

j jamie crawford

Hi, That saved me a lot of time.  That works perfectly.  I did find out that the wlan radio has to be enabled for this to work or it just returns 00:00:00:00:00 or nothing at all depending on the device.  I am working on trying to enable the radio before I query the mac address but it's not working for some reason.   Thanks, j Imports Symbol.Fusion.WLAN Imports Symbol.Fusion Public Class enableradio     Public WriteOnly Property enableradio() As String         Set(ByVal value As String)             Dim myWlan As WLAN = New WLAN(FusionAccessType.COMMAND_MODE)             Dim myAdapter As Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter = myWlan.Adapters(0)             myAdapter.PowerState = Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Adapter.PowerStates.ON         End Set     End Property End Class

A Anandakumar Gopalsamy

Hi,   You can change your code as shown below and add references to Symbol.WirelessLAN Assembly in your project.
Public Class Adapter      Public ReadOnly Property macaddress() As String          Get               Try                    Dim myRadio As Symbol.WirelessLAN.Radio = New Symbol.WirelessLAN.Radio()                    Dim myAdapter As Symbol.WirelessLAN.MACAddress = New Symbol.WirelessLAN.MACAddress(myRadio)                    Dim adapterAddress As String = myAdapter.Adapter.Text                    Return adapterAddress               Catch ex As Exception                    Return "UNKNOWN"               End Try          End Get      End Property End Class

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