EDMS database

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
2 3 0

Team, Anyone knows what happened ith the EDMS (technical drwaings database) site? http://ahvweb01.cig.mot.com/EDMS/ Unable to open it since last week... Thanks, Valery

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3 Replies

R Roberto Mielle

Valery Today morning, i did the login and took some schematics, but now is dead using Firefox. Curiosly, if you're using IE, the link works ! Another thing, the right link is = http://ahvweb01. corp.mot.com/EDMS Rgds Roberto Mielle

R Roberto Mielle

Now, Firefox is working too :) This link: http://ahvweb01.corp.mot.com/EDMS Roberto Mielle


That was it - wrong URL. This is weird though as it has been kept in my IE favourites for ages... Thanks, Roberto!

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