Self-booting then stucked on splash screen

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 9 months ago
10 3 0

This issue looks so simple it's amazing it never happened before -I am aware of- ! Quite a few MC75 from a specific customer just suddenly self boot and then get stucked on splash screen. Manual cold boot does not make it work again. Removing batteries has not been tested. Am I really the first one to be though this??? Some units have been sent to repair, have come back and have had the issue again.

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3 Replies


There is a fix for this under product hot fixes for most terminals. SPR 18183 will give more details.

D Don Khan

JAM, as indicated by Paul H., there is a "fix" provided via SPR 18183; however, given that we are still at CASP with this issue, the root cause is still being chased.  Once we are able to come to terms with the root issue, then and only then, can this condition be truly resolved. To note, the condition is pervasive across platforms.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Do you think so? I have a couple of other customers with actual SPR 18183, and their MC75s get "clean booted" (either they get the calibration screen or they loose files). In the case I mentioned they do not loose anything. It just gets reset. By the way, I have to correct: removing batteries YES brings terminals back to work. Also -partner just told me- cold-booting 4 or 5 times also works out. But this may well be another flavour of root cause of SPR 18183 -MS' filesys.exe. Thanks!

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