Truncate the last 2 characters of barcodes via ADF

// Expert user has replied.
J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 9 months ago
54 2 0

Hi team,


Is it possible to create an ADF rule to truncate the last 2 characters of all kinds of barcodes a scanner scanned? The obstacle is that the length of those barcodes is not fixed.


Maybe have to setup a lot of rules as below?

If length = 5, then send 3

If length=6, then send 4


Thank you!


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2 Replies

J Jun-Hua Liu

Thanks, Sean. It is just a question raised in a seminar. No customer has that requirement. Junhua

S Sean Wheatley

You could conceivably have multiple rules to take into account different lengths as you mentioned , if code is 8 chars long send next 6 chars, if code is 10 chars long send next 8 chars, and so on. There will be a point though when this solution becomes unworkable if you have many code lengths. Out of interest what is the customer solution? Stripping the last 2 chars of every code length sounds unusual to me.

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