Remote Control through VPN connection

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E Erick Rondin 3 years 9 months ago
42 2 0

Hi, I am looking for the requirements to be successfull in Remote Control through a VPN Connection in GPRS. I have a customer using the NCP VPN software but not able to establish the remote connexion when using the Motorola Remote Control in MSP 3.3.1. He tried both IP address the Public and the Private one but there is is no connectivity but the mobile unit is pingable from the MSP. What are the requirements to make it works ? Thanks for your help Regards

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2 Replies

K Krishna Raja

Eric, The workstation PC where the applet is launched should have a connectivity to device Are you able to ping a device from the workstation PC? Since you are able to ping from MSP server, you can try launching MSP console from the server itself and see whether you are able to make remote control connection to the device. If this works everything on the device side is working as expected. You just need to solve the connectivity issue from the workstation PC. Make sure that TCP port 7775 is not blocked  If you can't get the connectivity from the workstation PC then you can try the Tunnel Service approach. Using Motorola Tunnel Service user guide will give more details on using Tunnel Service Thanks Krishna

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Keep in mind that Remote Control, as already said, connects terminal to PC-where-plugin-is-running (i.e, the "console"). So there should be nothing blocking required traffic. I mean firewals or things like these. In the direction I will tell right now: Another very important thing is that, unlike most of the connectivity applications for terminals, Remote Control makes terminal behave as a server. So it is listening to eventual PCs (clients) to connect to. I guess I remember there was some feature :( regarding which-side-connects-first when dealing with VPNs. Basically, clients must do. I hope this helps.

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