Relay Server changeover

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J Jamie Craig 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

I've got a customer that originally setup their MSP Relay server with a static IP address. They now want to change this to DNS based hostname. All services are on the one box. What would be the best way of achieving this? Thanks, Jamie

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2 Replies

L Larry Dykes

Hi Jamie,

If you edit the Relay Server definition to use the DNS name instead of the ip address, MSP will update the Relay Server setting object and rebuild the deployment package (all behind the scenes) - so all you have to do is deploy the Relay Server setting in a bundle - you can do this with Profile if you have only a Staging System, a Policy if you have a Provisioning System, or an Action if you have Control edition.

J Jamie Craig

Thanks, I'll give it a go!

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