Fusion 3.20 disable 5ghz

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H Herbert De Jong 3 years 9 months ago
1 5 0

22 10 2010  19:00 3 days ES400 OEM 19.1  Fusion 3,20 clarify 2245816 question is raisen how to disable connectivity to 5 ghz a band  with ES400 the option menu doesnt have a choose to disable  this anymore. Fusion 3;20  is not mentioning anything. also  is there some write up how the  802.11 D logic is handle in 3,20  around connecting with correct output power to different  infrastructure. this is inquiry from France  and they need to understand the logic which channels and output power is choosen.

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5 Replies

S Stalin Kumaravel

Fusion 3.20 does not support the feature of selectively enabling/disabling the frequency bands. Next version of fusion might support. Fusion 3.20 works in 802.11d-flexible mode. Which means, when the AP sends the country element in the Beacon/probe the MU uses the settings in that IE. If the country element is not present then the MU will use the minimum of the power allowed (ETSI, FCC, MKK) in the worldwide country of operation in that channel.

D David Meyer

Hi Herbert, There is nothing to clarify on the band selection.  The marketing/engineering decision was to NOT include this feature.  The customer can ask for a custom product or a GRIP request (although the GRIP may not be necessary if it is being done for Fusion 3.30 already).  To find out if it is included in the next release, I cannot help, since roadmaps are controlled by marketing. For .11d flex, if the country is not acquired, the system would take the "best" set of channels and power levels that would be legal in all countries the system was designed to operate in.  In otherwords, it will only select channels that ALL countries are ok with (which for 802.11b would be at most 1-11, but as I don't have all the information, perhaps there are certain channels within that range that are also not allowed), and it would pick the highest power level per channel that is acceptable on that channel in all the countries. For example, if country x allows 5 mW on channel 1, and country y allows 20 mW on channel 1, the radio would have to operate at 5 mW since it does not want to operate outside the legal band. Bottom line is that you will get the best performance if APs are setup with the country code.  802.11d has been around for quite some time now, and there are very few APs that are so old that there is no support.  The customer should really consider turning on 802.11d support within their APs.

H Herbert De Jong

Dave, thnx  will reach out to MKTG, but the real point of TA is that leaving out band options and changing the 802.11 country support on 3.20 was done at last stage of beta and this new 802.11 d flexible mode is nowhere described in the UG. to me it sounds quite feasible that a user wants to disable 5ghz or doesnt allow to roam to it.

D David Meyer

Fusion 3.20 does not have the ability to turn off the different bands.  This was a decision made during development.  I believe after the next release from the Fusion team, this feature will be added back, but if it is important to find out, someone would need to check with marketing. As for 802.11d implementation, I will see if there is a writeup for you, but essentially it gets the information from beacons it sees.  I am not sure why a customer would need more details than that. -Dave

H Herbert De Jong

Dave, the ability to change or limit the radio bands, is for this customer important as they differentiate their wlan based on this,  who can be contacted or will you do that to get the answer clarified around this. Currently 802.11d flexible mode as Fusion 3.20 it calls is not at all documented anywhere,  and especially if beacon is not transmitting a country code or incorrectly, it can be a bit difficult to connect.  

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