Mixed mode in K2 systems?

R Randall Beauchamp 3 years 9 months ago
2 2 0

I was told back in Jan 2010 that 7.9 K Series was roadmapped to handle mixed mode, but now it looks as if this is not available until 7.12 (July 2012).  Is that correct? This is for a K2 proposal to Missoula Co, MT in which we want to tie in several AstroTac3000s using DIUs into the gateways (GGM8000s).  Not only do they wish to talk and listen on these mixed mode channels. they also desire Astro signalling to receive emergencies, etc.  Were these features originally mapped for 7.9 early this year?  I know the gateways can handle Astro and analog on different ports, but I am looking to handle both analog and digital on the same port, that would connect to a DIU and also tie in the signalling (ACIM) data, all in the same port.  I can be reached at 847-538-4048. Thanks, Randy Beauchamp

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2 Replies

D Dennis Newkirk

Support for legacy Mixed mode chanels (ATAC 3000, Quantar, etc) is provided in A7.9 including K series. The GGM 8000 Gateway supports analog and v.24 ports which are bound together via network manager configuration to support hybrid links. There are 2 possible confusing points about this, 1) new GTR & CGM 8000 do not support mixed mode until 7.12, and 2) K series only uses Ethernet site links to GGM 8000's. But in the case of the latter, the GGM 8000 connects to hybrid links for either local or remote RF sites. There is no support for DIU's to be directly linked to an A7.9 system. If DIU's are needed to support legacy consoles, they may be connected to the ATAC 3000 using its Parallel Audio feature where 6 console systems can share the RF channel, so the DIU would remain connected to the existing ATAC's and the GGM 8000 would be conencted to the ATAC too. Inbound and outbound audio are copied to all 6 console ports so all console operators can hear each other.

R Randall Beauchamp

Thanks, Dennis, this answers my question. Randy

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