MC55 - Duplicate UUIDs

// Expert user has replied.
K Kenneth Ryan 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

1.  9/27/2010 10:27 AM 2.  3 Day 3.  MC5590 4.  WM 6.1 5.  2218128 I have one of our Australia L1 reporting customer has 6+ devices with duplicate UUIDs. Is this a known issue?  Should I open an SPR? Details below: Serial number: 10188521401050 UUID: 001346E604EB0108 UUID 2: E3FF0AFF01FFE9FF -------- Serial Number: 10188521401006 UUID 1: 001346E604EB0108 UUID 2: E3FF0AFF01FFE9FF Serial Number: 10186521401651 UUID 1: 001346E604EB0108 UUID 2: E5FF0AFF01FF88FF ------ Serial number 10186521402094 UUID 1: 001346E604EB0108 UUID 2: E5FF0AFF01FF88FF   Serial Number: 10186521401650 UUID 1: 001346E604EB0108 UUID 2: 8EFF0AFF01FF70FF ----- Serial Number: 10186521402033 UUID 1: 001346E604EB0108 UUID 2: 8EFF08FF01FF70FF

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2 Replies

G George Dellaratta

Since the UUID is derived from a unique number embedded in the FLASH device, I recommend presenting these questions to the ECRT electrical team.

H Herbert De Jong

SPR 19084  and SPR 18919  were opened around this. there are updates over there but  conclusion is that UUID was programmed incorrectly at manufacturing in the chip, and no way to correct that.

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