MC55 left trigger button

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
4 2 0

Team, What is so special about the left trigger button  which sometinmes makes it act even when trigger-based (rcm) actions are disabled? Situation - Pepsi wants to use GPS in unattended mode. As our GPS driver does not support this the only way is to keep unit on while turning the screen off so the unit saves the power and looks like suspended to the user and can be "woken up" only by power button. Customer does so by resetting idle timers and setting tch1, kbd1 and rcm1 devices to D4 in the relevant power states. Now - everything is fine but the unit keeps "waking up" e.g. turning the screen on by the left trigger. I was able to reproduce the similar by making the screen going off when backlight goes off (registry hack) and: 1. disabling suspend via Power applet 2. disabling backlight turning on by button or screen press - Backlight applet 3. disabling wake-up via kdb, touch or trigger 4. setting tch1, kbd1, rcm1 to D4 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\State\BacklightOff As a result when backlight goes off I have the display going off as well. I'm unable to turn it back on by anything - but left trigger button! Again my question is - what is so special about it and can this "speciality" be disabled to make it work like other buttons? Thanks, Valery

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2 Replies


Hi, You can get the wakeup reason i.e. which driver woke up the terminal. Its normally stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\LastWakeUp This may help you understand which driver woke up the terminal.


Valery,  I checked the keyboard scancode sourcefile (from kbtools) for the MC55 and the only trigger key which is missing is left trigger so I think it is handled in a different way to the others. This could be related to the fact that holding left trigger during boot will start the update loader i.e. left trigger may be handled directly via the Power Micro rather than the standard keyboard driver. Best Regards, Ian Hatton EMS EMEA

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