MC5574 failed vs CN50 on public benchmarks

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

Team, We're in competitive situation in Frito Lay for 2500+ units. Customer ran 3 public benchmark tools on both devices and some results are not quite good for us, specifically CPU performance and RAM/flash reads. Customer did 3 series for each benchmark then calculated average and percentage of difference. The benchmarks were: SKTools, PocketPC Mark and SPB. Excel sheet with test results attached. Note: PocketPC Mark is quite old and some tests did not run on CN50 at all so customer admits that this one may be excluded. At the same time they also tested their field application on both devices and got almost identical results with MC55 being slightly better on everything but WAN (2G vs 3G) Also attached is a chart from the competitve presentation showing that MC55 outperforms CN50 on the CPU and Filesystem metrics of SPB - pdf attached. The official test session is planned for Monday Sep 20 - and representatives of both Moto and Intermec are invited. In order to be prepared I'm looking for help in the following: 1. How can we interpret the benchmark results? 2. The test was on MC55 with 128/256 memory and WM6.1. Will it help to try 128/512 unit and/or install WM6.5? 3. What can be tuned on MC55 to get the same test indexes as in pdf? Any suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks, Valery

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2 Replies

G Gene Niles

Valery, The ECSG team may be able to help here. If you like to go this route, please fill out the engagement form at this is a small technical team with ECRT but if you meet the opportunity meets the criteria, we should be able to make a difference. thanks, Gene

C Carl Pearson

Run the same tests against the MC65.  You'll crush the CN50.  Carl ~ Texas

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