Import a list of Sites in a .csv file

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I Ian Jobson 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

All, Is it possible in MSP 3.3.x to import and therefore create a list of sites using a .csv or .xls file? I can do it using an XML file but I would prefer to use a spreadsheet. I have found the .CSV Import option which seems to imply it can be done, but I can't find listed anywhere the "site objects" that would need to form the column headers in the spreadsheet. Does anyone have this list? Thanks IJ

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

Ian; Yes, you can create Sites using .CSV files, in fact that is the ONLY method of bulk creating Sites in MSP - doing so via XML files is NOT supported.  In fact, creating or modifying XML files and them importing them is NEVER supported. The process for bulk Object creation in MSP 3.3 is covered in Using MSP 3.3 in the section Creating MSP Objects in Bulk beginning on page 32.  In brief, you export ONE Object of the desired type as a CSV file to create a starter file.  Then you edit that file and the columns are already set up for you. Allan

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