Partners to implement HotSpot

A Afshin Mansoorieh 3 years 9 months ago
1 3 0

Has anyone worked with a partner to develop a Hotspot solution for a customer? I am looking for information in this area as we are engaged in a competitive bid with Aruba and Cisco and a deploying a ubiquitous Hotspot is a goal for this customer. Thanks, Afshin

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3 Replies

M Marcus Kurath

Afshin I'm in no way involved with the deal, but I was told we did the hotspot for Borders (the book store) with AP5131's. There are lots of stores and we had to modify the AP5131 so you could import a certificate to avoud the "dangerous web site"  warning when the browser popped up...

L Laxminarayan Bhat

There are various vendor solutions available. Examples are  Amigopod; Tomizone - (closer to Australia, NZ); Aptilo - (Europe); Inventum - (Unify  AAA and Service management). More details  and papers are available on the url. Although dont think we have any formal relationships with any of them,  there are instances of deployments done together.  There would be more such vendors near you. You should get a feel if customer has any vendor preferences, and for all practical purposes,  our EWLAN should be able to interoperate  and integrate with the solution. Typically the solution consists of a Very Large AAA server,  Hotspot Welcome Portal, Subscriber mangement, and Billing functions built in.  Some of them provide more functions like Proxy Server and Application firewall if deployed in-line. Hope this helps. ..Bhat

K Kevin Marshall

Afshin, What exactly are you looking for? A third-party partner that uses Motorola to provide and manage Hotspot services for a customer or something else? Regards, Kevin

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