Display Bluetooth address program

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R Robert Southern 3 years 9 months ago
9 1 0

Has anyone ported the Display_BD_Address.exe program to run on WM6.5? There is a button that displays in the BT Information program but I want to execute it stand alone. The current Display_BD_Address.exe if run on a MC3190 WM6.5 displays a barcode that exceeds the size of the screen display.

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1 Replies

H Horst Anderlohr

Hello Bob, please see attached zip file which include a C# application which will do the job. You will find as well the symbol.all.arm.cab file and if necessary the .NET help dll's. The source code is included. CF .NET 3.5 is already part of the WM6.5 OS on MC3190. Attached you will find as well a screen shot from the running app on MC3190. Good luck, Horst

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