Bluetooth quality issues while pairing RS507 to a PC

T Thorsten Lutz 3 years 9 months ago
2 0 0

Hello, I a m having a customer who is using the following setup to run our RS507 at a PC. RS507 with FW. N07 Widcomm Bluetooth Software AAC Wedge Software Currently our customer is operating with 20 setups in one large commissioning area. Our partner is reporting that as more units they added to the setup as more Bluetooth connectivity issues they could identify. This means the Bluetooth connection is lost for a short moment and then either the pairing happens automatically or you can initiate it by pressing the Restore key. Initially they operated with a baud rate of 19200. Afterwards the reduced the baud rate to 9600. This seemed to have had a positive effect to the number of seen connection issues. If you have seen a similar behavior in a Bluetooth environment and have some recommendations for improvement or debugging your help is much appreciated. Thanks Thorsten Lutz

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