How to determine the min. operating temp

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

Hello, Working on a tender where we need describe how the minimum operating temeperature is determined and defined – does it mean extended operation (eg several hours in that temperature) or ...  ?
And .. in case the operating temperature for MC75A is -10C .. is it quaranteed, that it does work 10 minutes in -20C on condition that before it has been in warm environment (in car). Markus

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1 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

Markus, you mobile phone is specified for 0C or has no temp spec at all. Still, it works in winter even at -26" :) For mobile electronics you will be able to work for some time until the LCD screen freezes because of low temp, so basically, the answer to your second question is yes. You should be aware of condensate and reduced battery life, though. As far as I understand, out temp spec means "will work until battery dies". But you should check this with Product Manger. You could also ask Michael Elin and Valery Sherman from Russia - they found a battle of MC70 vs CN4 in low temp (airport environment).

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