MC3090: "Enable IP Mgmt" Fusion option

// Expert user has replied.
S Samuel Garcia Blanco 3 years 9 months ago
6 1 0

1) 27-Jul-2010

2) 1 Day

3) MC3090 CE

4) BSP 35 - Fusion 2.57...18R

5) 2184835 In Fusion/Options/System Options we have the option "Enable IP Mgmt". If checked (by default) the IP configuration (DHCP or Static) will be handled according to the parameters set up on the Fusion profile configuration. If unchecked the Microsoft configuration from Settings/Connections/WiFi will be used. The customer complains that when using the default IP Mgmt (Fusion)... " all Motorola handhelds, but particularly the MC3090, are making too many DHCP requests. This is a problem for customers that have central DHCP servers that allocate addresses for remote sites" So the question is: Which are differences between both IP Managements?, Could you explain the scenarios when Fusion would send a DHCP request, where the OS would not? Thanks in advance!

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1 Replies

D David Meyer

Your description of how the Enable IP Management option works explains almost everything.  One thing that is different with Enable IP Management turned on is that if there is currently no valid IP address, Fusion will tell Microsoft to attempt to renew the IP address every 10 seconds (Microsoft will also be performing some attempts internally, so there will be a DHCP attempt approximately at 0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, etc. seconds into a connection with an AP), while disabling IP management, once Microsoft gives up on trying to get an address, it will not try again (i.e. it would try for some number of attempts at an exponential backoff, but will eventaully give up and that device will NOT get an IP address until the next connection). Note, this only happens when there is no address.  Fusion's management of the IP address is more aggressive, since you really have no point of connecting to the Wireless network if you cannot get an address.  If the customer would rather have less traffic, but time out getting an address, they can select to allow Microsoft to handle it.

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