MT20xx label and rubber is pealing of

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P Pavel Sebela 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

Hi all, we have multiple reports from customers complaining about labels which are pealing of. I can confirm that our samples which we do not use that often as customers also suffer with it. Another issue in the field seems to be a rubber on trigger handle which as also pealing of. I can also confirm that we can see it on our devices as well. This time it seems to be improper lifting of the MT from a cradle. However, I seems to me that the rubber is not molded/glued well enough to sustain common mishandling which happens (not abuse). Also it seems to me that the label is not applied properly onto a bottom housing in manufacturing. this makes one corner of the label/foil go over the 'label area' making it more vulnerable for pealing of. Please advise. Pavel

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2 Replies

A Amy Pennica

Hi Team, The labels on my MT devices are also pealing off at the corners. Should we open an SPR on this one? Also on the rubber coming off the handle because of how the device is being inserted/ taken out of the cradle. This was brought up in the documentation meeting we had. Should an SPR be open for this one as well? Thank you, Amy

M Mike Faith

I don't think there are any MEs on this forum.   I will forward this question to the MEs in the ECRT group.

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