RFS Hotspot - Setting Terms Accept button

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B Brian Safran 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

I have a customer using an RFS7000 with AAP7131's. They have setup an internal hotspot using Radius. THey want to have a disclaimer page pop up whenever someone tries to access the hotspot. They also want to have an Accept button on the page then needs to be pressed for them to get network access. Any ideas on best way to set this up?

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2 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

WiNG 4.3 will have exactly this functionality.


With the current released functionality, we have customers that have simulated this by embedding the user login and pwd in the "Accept" button.  Lacking pop-up capability, they hid their terms of use at the far bottom of the page and just included a link to jump down if the user wanted to read through.

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