CE6: How to run IE in kiosk mode

S Samuel Garcia Blanco 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

1) 05/06/2010

2) 2 days

3) MC3190 CE6

4) CE6 BSP 17

5) 2142682 In CE5 we have registries documented to hide each bar in IE. If you hide all of them you will be browsing in the so called kiosk mode. Question: Is there any way to do the same in CE6? (The above reg keys are not in the OS anymore) SPB is not an option at this point. Thanks for advice!

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1 Replies

S Samuel Garcia Blanco

Just a bump on this. Does anybody have any idea about how to run IE in kiosk mode in CE6?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?