123Scan and 123Scan2

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
13 1 0

We have a customer that is currently using the P370 and want to upgrade their scanners. What would be the reasonable option? The MT2090? With their P370s they have ADF rules configured in the old 123Scan program. They are use the and > options for the symbology code lengths. However these options are not available for any other scanner (only =). That being said, those options are not available for any scanner in the new 123Scan2 program either. Are these options available to be configured any other way?

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1 Replies

A Amy Pennica

The MT2090 might be too much for a customer replacing the P370 as it has a WLAN radio buit-in. They maybe better of with the MT2070 which is just a bluetooth scanner.   You are correct that there is no ADF rule to specify "less than" or "greater than" with the MT scanner. You will have to get more specific for example based on specific code types or code lengths. If you can not be that specific, you could create mulitple rules if you know the whatt is the largest size barcode the customer will scan and the smallest. For example is the largest barcode the customer will scan length 22 and the smallest length 10. If you would like to call into the support center, 1 800 653- 5350, we can help you figure out what is the best way to recreate the customers ADF rule. Kindest Regards, Amy

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