PMP320 maximum uplink and packet limitations

S Simon Staddon 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

I am helping Graham Owen with a job in the UAE, which is looking to use PMP320 to up link video a camera at 5Mbps, the customer has been told we cannot do this, and I wanted to check if that was correct.

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2 Replies

S Simon Staddon

The link budget sheet is great, thank you. One more question, is 8.7Mbps the total capacity of the AP uplink? I have a customer who need to put a 5Mbps camera on 2x CPE.

B Bruce Collins

There is a new link budget document posted that shows the throughputs available in different channel sizes and UL/DL ratios.  It shows that in 55/45 ratio at 10MHz you can get up to 8.7Mbps in MIMO B. Later this year we have a feature coming out with a higher UL ratio that will increase this by another couple of Mbps  (although it will sacrifice downlink and total throughput). PPS limitations shouldn't come into play for a video surveillance application like this.

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