WT4090 Backup Battery OS Status Equivalents

// Expert user has replied.
G Glenn Sobel 3 years 9 months ago
9 4 0

1) Time/Date - 05/04/2010

2) Response time

3) Product WT4090

4) OS Version BSP35

5) Clarify Case # 2129789 Customer is having lock up issues when he changes out the batteries. He does not charge the devices in the cradle, his customer relies on trickle charging from the battery. Customer has questions I need assistance answering Below are customer's questions
"How do I relate backup battery voltage status displayed by ctlpanel.exe with backup battery status. I see 2815 volts when backup level is Good on my test device

The client’s account team already has EMscript installed on some of the devices.
When Backup battery is 100%, Backup Battery Volts is 2610
When Backup battery is 50%, Backup Battery Volts is 2595

Here’s what their account team told us today: “I talked to engineering and unlike our other devices the WT4090 does not shut down processes when the battery gets to a low level.  It will continue to function normally then at approx 15% it will suspend the unit” What would the status of the backup battery be when the devices is suspended at 15%?
" can someone help me define what the voltage is when the backup battery in the OS has a high status, a good status, and low status. I am in the process of trying to make the customer understand that the status of the backup battery when the device's main battery is 15% would be depended on if fully charged or not and the amount suspending the devices does.  Can someone confirm that if backup battery is fully charged and device is not suspended at all , that the backup battery status when the main battery is 15% would still have full charge. Also Can someone confirm that the device will not shut down processes on this device but will remain fully operational until device suspends at 15%? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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4 Replies

G Glenn Sobel

Thank you George so much for your help with this issue

G George Dellaratta

Let's start by talking about the purpose of the backup battery.  It is there to maintain RAM and the RTC for a short period of time while the main battery is swapped.  It is normally charged from the main battery anyway so the cradle doesn't directly charge the backup. The levels of the two batteries are independent.  The decision to suspend because of low battery is made because of the main battery and the backup battery is not considered. Are you also looking to understand the backup battery thresholds?

G Glenn Sobel

Yes, I am requesting the threshold of the backup battery per battery status shown in the gui in the control panel > power > battery window. As well, just want to confirm, when the main battery status is 15%, the OS does not shut down processes like radio, etc one at a time... ? will only suspend device ?

G George Dellaratta

2600mV = 100% Yes, the 75% level is very narrow.  2600mV only. Also, yes the terminal does not power down subsystems as the battery power drops.  When the threshold (15% sounds about right, but I can't confirm easily) is reached a critical suspend will suspend the entire terminal.

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