Has anyone done a AirBeam Smart command line migration to MSP Stage ?

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C Charles Brugger 3 years 9 months ago
3 2 0

Has anyone migrated a customer using AirBEAM Smart with a command line implementation to MSP Stage? Here is the short summary- Customer currently deployed with 3000+ clients across 300+ sites using simple AirBEAM packages to manage configurations across PPT8846, MC9060, MC9090, MC7090, and WT4090. Customer has written in house a menu system that switches users between applications and configurations. The menu program calls AirBEAM with command line arguments to pull software application packages and check for OS update packages. No upstream- pure pull on demand. The only real complexity is that the unit checks in two locations- on initial deployment the device first checks a corporate ftp server, where based on some logic using the DHCP scope from the client converted to naming conventions- a package specific to the device and its location is sent down to the device. After a warm boot, the device then checks an ftp server on the local subnet for all future updates. With the PMB announcing the end of AirBEAM Smart license (PMB 1809-http://www.eng.symbol.com/agile/images/002/290/403/agile229040367.pdf ) we are looking to plan a conversion to MSP v3.x Stage. Is there a simple backward compatibility to this functionality? Any documentation on command line implementation of MSP Stage functionality? Thanks in advance for your references or thoughts!

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2 Replies

L Larry Dykes

Also, since there may be a lot of AirBeam to MSP conversions coming up, I want to make a clarification.   When you say "no upstream - pure pull" I assume you mean there is no upload from the clients to the FTP servers. But some readers may think you meant that's all there is to this customized AirBeam system.  So I would ask everyone to keep in mind that with AirBeam, there IS NO pull without a LOT of preparation (and ongoing maintenance) to get and keep exactly the right package versions on each of the FTP servers, so that the "pull" step gets the Right Stuff. This is either done using a LOT of "hand delivery" or using expensive-to-maintain custom code, all of which expense DISAPPEARS when MSP  3.x is used.   Elimination of the upstream work is a major reason to convert to MSP.

L Larry Dykes

One of the complexities of this implementation is that the device checks in (synchroizes) first on one server. Does the menu option always cause synchronization with both servers, or does it do both on the first synch and only the second sync thereafter? The second complexity is that the first sync pulls down "a package specific to the device and its location" - how are these packages named, and what do they do? (Is this a pacakge that reconfigures AirBeam to use a "local" FTP server and to pull down a custom package list?) Also an important thing to know: How do the packages get put on the servers in the first place?

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