MC75 black screen

J Jon Potter 3 years 9 months ago
7 2 0

I have a customeer that has several hunderd MC75s.  They have had a number where the screen goes black out of the cradle, but will come back when the unit is placed in the cradle. take it out and the screen is immediatly black again.  LIke the screen will not operate on battery power. Any one else seen this and what is the cure ?

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2 Replies


Jon, This is almost certainly caused by contaminated contacts on the bottom of the terminal. I have seen the symptoms you describe several times now.  You may also notice that if you remove the battery cover with battery in place it will also power on. I saw this on my MC75 as well - after dropping on a salted road in winter - after about 4 hours the contacts went black.  But a quick clean with proper degreaser/solvent recovered.  At least 2 customers have also reported this in the UK - all recovered after cleaning contacts. Clean contacts with a solvent cleaner/degreaser.

M Marcus Kurath

Contact support on this..I was able to fix this problem with a hottfix

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