MC75...device shuts off in rain

// Expert user has replied.
H Howard Laser 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

1) 15:05/04-06-10

2) 3-day

3) MC7598

4) WM6.1

5) 2106528 Can someone please check the attached log. Customer claims unit 'shut down by rain' at line 285 (4/6/2010 8:27am) Here is his description:
When we tried to un-suspend the unit the screen would just flash on quickly then go in “suspend” mode again when we released the button.  There also was no inactivity, my guy was in the middle of creating a record when it happened.  When the unit came inside the only way I could get the screen to stay on was to cradle it. 

I installed the “wet connector” (MC75 Power Down when connector gets wet - SPR 17392) on all of the units a couple of weeks ago
The log seems to bear out customer's description of units beahavior., I just wanted to see if I am missing something.

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2 Replies


According to the status column it looks like the device is suspending due to the battery door.  When in the cradle the terminal doesn't care if the battery door is on which is why it stays on.  Is this only happening on one device?  Looks like there may be a problem with the battery door switch mechanism.

H Howard Laser

Customer is adamant that the battery door was not opened until after unit was cradled and he got the data off. He did this to obtain serial number. Could this be indicative of a 'short' due to moisture in the door or on the connector?

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