TEAM Express Diagnostics

S Steve Zimmerman 3 years 9 months ago
1 1 0

A Customer is evaluating TEAM Express on an EWP in a competitive situation against Cisco 7925s. Cisco's device is having significant problems doing PTT and this is a means to get in with a TEAM VoWLAN solution. The problem is after a period of time (yet to be clearly defined) the Express client on the EWP seems to time out and becomes unresponsive. In this case in in others I've heard about, the EWPs are supported by a Motorola WLAN infrastructure -- RFS-7k & RFS-6k. I'm trying to capture details from the EWPs perspective when the event occurs. Does anyone know of Registry settings about capturing logs, or Express client settings or other relevant information on debugging the TEAM Express client? Also, I would like to hear of implementations -- success or otherwise -- if TEAM Express on a Motorola infrastructure. (ironically, another TEAM Express implementation I have on a Cisco WLAN works fine). Z

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1 Replies

A Abhay Ganesh

Steve, Why dont you give myself or Kate a call we should be able to help you Abhay

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