RCH50 - Rugged Cabled Headset Feedback

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R Rakesh Bhatia 3 years 9 months ago
1 4 0


I am the product manager for the Rugged Cabled Headset (RCH50). I would like to get feedback from the field regarding the rugged headset. The feedback that I am looking for is as follows: 

1) Are customers trialing the headset?                If yes,                  -       Who is the customer?                  -      Which Mobile Computer are they using it with?                 -   How is the trial going?                 -   What is the probability the customer will buy the headset? 

              If not,                 -   Is there a specific reason (price, form, fit, lack of voice partner support etc.)?

2) Are customers liking the headset?            If yes                -   What features do they like?

           If no                -   What features they do not like?

3) Are you aware that the RCH50 supports ALL MCD PRODUCTS that accept a cabled headset, for ALL TYPES of voice applications?  If not, would you now have some accounts it would make sense to show it to? Thank you for your help and feedback. Rakesh Bhatia

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4 Replies

M Malcolm Flood

would like to offer it for customers to trial, but seams to be limited availability of the hardware to be able to do so!


Rakesh, Reinhart Food Service tested the RCH50 with the WT4090 and Vocollect software for a few days.  Feedback from the users is they had nothing but good things to say about the headset and cables.  The users thought our headset was more comfortable than the Vocollect headset (I think they use the SR20).  It conformed better to their head and was more flexible.  Voice recognition was the same as when using the Vocollect headset, even though the users never went through the voice template re-creation process with the RCH50.  If they had done this, voice recognition would have probably been even better.  They used it in and out of the freezer.  They are planning for a more extended test in the next few weeks.  They want to be 100% sure that the RCH50 performs at least as well as the Vocollect headset before purchasing any since Vocollect will not support the RCH50. Thanks, Ken

S Steve Zimmerman

Rakesh We had proposed the RCH-50 to one of Sara Lee's manufacturing plants in conjunction with the TEAM EWP product. They rejected the headsetprimarily dur the OSHA's requirement for ear protection. While not a particularly noisy environment, they must comply with either ear plugs or the headphone style ear protection. They were also not fond of the cable, but could deal with that. My guidance to you would be to consider the requirements of  manufacturing, and to consider a bluetooth option to eliminate cables. Ultimately, we worked up a temple transducer headset, allowing the workers to keep their earplugs, and remove Motorola from having to certify and conform to OSHA's standards. Z

R Rakesh Bhatia

Steve, Thank you for the feedback. Can you tell/show me the headset that Sara Lee manufacturing finally selected? Is it a Motorola hardware? Thanks,

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