ClickMobile Software - MC55 - Lockups and Corruption

A Andrew Wood 3 years 9 months ago
7 0 0

Hi, Has anyone had a customer install the Click Mobility application on MC55 devices ( We have a new install running on MC5574's - bsp35 that is throwing exception errors "A Native Exception Has Occurred In w6.Click.Mobile.Controller.exe" or " "A Native Exception Has Occurred In Device.exe". Im trying to recover a Crash Dump to pass onto Click. Occasionally devices will lock up and the only way to recover is pull the battery. I assume this lock up is the result of or causes device corruption as the 55 will clean boot after the battery is reinstalled. We also see a large amount of data (12mb per day) over the WAN with source and destination of the Click Server. The technical contact for Click is not around till Tuesady and the enduser is getting a little agitated - Has anyone seen similar issues with Click? Thanks Andy

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