How to enable SUPL (A-GPS) on MC55 and others

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 9 months ago
8 1 0

Hi team, I'm looking for SUPL functionality information on MC55 and others. 1. Is SUPL functionality enabled on our MCs? Working (if enabled)? Supported? 2. I know it's possible to configure SUPL settings directly in registry but - how to enable SUPL settings in GPS settings applet? 3. Assuming it's enabled - how can one check whether the data come from the SUPL server? 4. There were plans to provide our own SUPL server to Moto customers - is it still true? Is it possible to have something right now to demonstrate how it works to the customer? (Pepsi complains on the GPS fix slowness - even compared to MC35 - and asks for SUPL) Thanks, Valery

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1 Replies

C Chi Zhang

Here is the answer: 1. yes 2. the applet will be enabled in the MPA2.0 Rev B and MPA1.5/2.0 maintenance release 3. normally do a factory reset first, then if you get a faster than normal TTFF in the open sky environment, you get the aiding from the SUPL server. 4. The Moto SUPL server will be available in the MPA2.0 RevB products and MPA1.5/2.0 maintenance release. I will send you a separate email with the s/w you need to access Moto server for your current device.

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