VC5090 Headsets

R Roberto Mielle 3 years 9 months ago
1 3 0

Hello Team, Just confirming: To use the headset 50-11300-050R (Sinbon) is necessary an adapter (25-80634-01R) that isn't in our Solution Builder, so, the customer needs to buy directly in Sinbon right? What about another headsets ? Any good or bad experience? Regards. Roberto Mielle

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3 Replies


Roberto, The 25-80634-01R cable won't work with the 50-11300-050R headset.  The cable has a telco jack connector on the end so it can be plugged into the push-to-talk handset.  There should be a diagram of the cable at .  I'm not aware of a cable for the VC5090 that provides a 2.5mm barrel jack connector for audio headsets.  This is what you need to connect the 50-11300-050R headset. Ken

R Roberto Mielle

Thanks for your answer Ken! So, i'll contact directly the Sinbon to check which is the right adapter. NOTE: the information that i wrote about the adapter was in the Product Reference Guide of VC5090 in the page 3-15 :( Regards Roberto Mielle


Roberto, I discovered the error in the PRG a few months ago.  I opened up case #1963099 to get the document updated, but I'm not sure what the status is. Ken

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