PMP 320 CSM e1.0.1 Software upgrade fails

S Steven Hill 3 years 9 months ago
1 9 0

I have attempted to upgrade the following CSM via CNUT, WEB, FTP and TFTP and get this failure:
BIMAGE Product is error!

Unit Specifics: Hardware model:WIXS-177 Product version:3630SM Software version:1.0.0 Firmware version:f00b00-v5.8.3MOTO Firmware creation date:Fri, 04 Dec 2009 08:55:51 GMT Bootrom version:v5.5.1-1249997286 Bootrom creation date:Tue, 11 Aug 2009 13:28:06 GMT Frequency range:3,600MHz - 3,800MHz Serial number: Any suggestions welcome. -Steve

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9 Replies

F Farruq Razi

I have placed the PMP320 SW in the RTM Stuff folder Regards,


S Steven Hill

I have loaded the new code using the WEB interface on the CSM. It worked. Thanks. -Steve

C Craig Burgess

All is well now!  CPE is upgraded!  I fat fingered the AP IP address in CNUT...  it's working better then the last version.  Thanks for all the weekend help!  Love the new CPE status page!

S Sakid Ahmed

PMP320 CPE Upgrade issue Resolved Folks, The CPE upgrade issue recently posted on this forum is a configuration parameter on the CPE that needs to be disabled. This does NOT impact any CPEs shipped from our DC but is an issue if you have used your CPE for prior testing or trials. If you are having trouble updating the CPE to 5.8.8 load over the air using CNUT, please ensure that your DMZ is turned off at the CPE.

P Pranav Joshi

CNUT issue identified and we are investigating for the CSM upgrade. For now, please use the attached files for the CSM upgrade using CSM Web GUI. Please use: BIMAGE.f03b00-v5.8.8MOTO(WIXS-177)(forCanopy) -- For 3.65 CSM HW BIMAGE.f03b00-v5.8.8MOTO(WIXS-155)(forCanopy) -- For 3.5 CSM HW Separate update will be posted once the CNUT issue get resolved.

C Craig Burgess

That is just for the CPE, right?  Do you have it worked out for the AP yet???

P Pranav Joshi

Check with the CNUT package. You will get this error if you try to upgrade the 3.3 to 3.6 GHz CPE load on to the 3.6 to 3.8 GHz CPE HW or vice a versa.


Please check your CNUT package; I will also check the CNUT package from our web posting.




P Pranav Joshi

I talked with Steve, and here is the resolution. I would start with some clarification: - SM CNUT package includes SW for both 3.5 GHz and 3.6 GHz HW, during upgrade process CNUT will determine the type of SM's HW and upgrade it with correct SW. - SM SW Upgrade should be performed over the air using CNUT, e.g. with the use of WAN interface of SM - Upgrade from the LAN interface may not work if SNMP is blocked from the SM's LAN interface. - CNUT package must not be used to perform upgrade using SM's WEB or TFTP interface.


- FYI, after upgrading the CPE SW to V5.8.8MOTO, by default SNMP interface will be disabled from LAN side. One can enable that using SM’s web interface with administrator login. Steve will confirm this as he performs successful over the air upgrade using CNUT package. Thanks, Pranav

C Craig Burgess

I have tried all that and it doesnt work...

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