Enable30 version

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E Erick Rondin 3 years 9 months ago
1 6 0


I've got an issue when using enable30_2.0 (from the MSP3.3) in conjunction with a Symscript package that start automatically Wavelink TelnetCE on startup. That is running correctly after a Warm Boot but After a Cold Boot, TelnetCE is never launch. If I use enable30_1_1_10 (from MSP3.2.1) its running perfectly after Warm or Cold boot.

I can see the package  enable30_2_0_131 is a blob where  enable30_1_1_10 is an apf file that contains abmerge.exe, enable30.reg and SaveABReg.exe. My Question is : What is the difference between  enable30_2_0_131 (from the MSP3.3) and enable30_1_1_10 (from MSP3.2.1) ? Thanks

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6 Replies

M Michael Holman

Be careful with CONTINUE=0 on an executable as no other auto launched applications will be run until Wavelink gets CLOSED! In your example, if some other application(s) were set to auto-launch at say PROGRAM14 thru PROGRAM20 that/those application(s) will not launch until you close Wavelink.

M Michael Hennel

Hello Erick, What is the behavior of the device without simscript? Do both packages operate the same way? Mike

E Erick Rondin

Mike, I made an OSUpdate to reset all the parameters on the MC9090 to made the tests. The script was not enabled at that moment to show the difference between the two enable30 version. Test has been done with the same ABup30_ddd, just deleting the enable30 to start the test with a different enable30 for each test.

M Mario Di Pasquo

Hi Erick,

If you are using Symscript only to auto start Telnet, then try the REG setting copied below.   It is the preferred method to auto launch.   Simply copy & paste the registry key that I have provided below into a text editor (like Windows Notepad) and then save it with a “.REG” extension( for example:  autostartTelnet.reg) .  

Copy the registry file into the “\APPLICATION” folder of your unit. You can tweak the “Continue” and “ColdBootOnly” settings accordingly.  

"Name"= "\Application\Wavelink\TelnetCE\TelnetCE.exe"
"Command"="Command Line Parameter"         (Fully qualified file paths)
"Continue"=dword:0     (0: Do not continue until program complete; 1: Do not wait for program to complete)
"ColdBootOnly"=dword:0 (0: Execute program on every boot; 1: Execute program on cold boot only)

M Michael Hennel

Hello Erick, I think you have another problem.The blob from the enable30 Apf was untouched from MSP 3.2.1. The name of the APF package was changed between the two versions but the contents remain the same. What happens if you make your own Agent30 setting with 3.2.1 and then use it on your 3.3 system? Mike

E Erick Rondin

Mike, I do not have anymore 3.2.1 to make the test you are requesting but the diffrences I can see between those 2 versions are :

enable30_2_0_131 (from the MSP3.3) :

is not doing a warm boot after installation.
After Warm Boot, take about 20 seconds to be available
After Cold Boot, take about 1min40 sec to be available

enable30_1_1_10 (from MSP3.2.1)  :

is doing a warm boot after installation
After Warm Boot, take about 20 seconds to be available
After Cold Boot, take about 40 seconds to be available

This is prpbably the cause of my problem after Cold Boot creating a conflict with a script trying to start a program in the same time the Agent is not already started. But for sure there some differences between those two packages. I made the test on the same MC9090 running Abup30_ddd

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