MSP error: Package Upload

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J Jamie Craig 3 years 9 months ago
2 8 0

Hi All, I have a customer that is having trouble uploading any AirBeam package via the MSP console. (see attached console shot).Error says not valid package. V3.21 We have attempted to build new apf files and upload them to no avail. The screen shot shows a license error, but we uploaded the new licenses to bring it into compliance and same problem. Anyone seen this before? Thanks, JC

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8 Replies

J Jamie Craig

So copying the apf file directly to the server into the Install directory automatically sucked up the package and displayed it in the library. Now I need to understand why the web GUI "all of a sudden" stopped working and throwing up an error.

A Allan Herrod

The license error had nothing to do with why it would not upload the package.  Exceeding the license count does not cause any functionality to be lost, it just generates nag messages. As for why the package won't upload via the GUI, how much memory is on the system on which the MSP is running?  Is it running in a virtual machine?  I have seen that when there is too little memory allocated (the manual states that 2GB is required), then package upload via the GUI can fail but can succeed via the PackagesToInstall folder.  This has to do with performance since uploaded Packages are now stored in the SQL DB.  Uploading a Package and storing it into the SQL DB can take some time, especially with everything running on the same box and with little memory.  This can cause a lot of swapping and the Web UI can time out due to overly slow performance of SQL.

J Jamie Craig

Thanks! I found the directory C:\Program Files\Motorola MSP\PackagesToInstall I'm assuming that the Package Upload simply copies the apf file to this directory and the system automatically checks to see if there is anything in this directory to process on a timed basis. I shall also get the customer to send the package over to me to check. Problem is they have attempted to upload several apf files with the same result. Any info on the "Packages ToInstall" process?

E Edward Rowlance

See page 36 of the MSP 3.3 "Using" manual. 

M Mario Di Pasquo

If you are using Firefox or Chrome as a browser, try switching to IE. 

J Jamie Glover

This sounds like the same issue that I experienced when on a customer site and we were unable to upload packages. The problem in my case was that we were uploading them from a network drive so I got the packages copied to a local PC so that they were somewhere in the C drive and we were then able to upload successfully. Looking at your picture it looks like the file is on the S drive so maybe copying to your local PC first and then trying might help.

J Jamie Craig

Thanks for the quick response. Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention that we also copied the package file to the local drive and it still has the same issue.

S Sean Wheatley

If you have direct access to the MSP server you could try copying the apf file to the "packages to install" directory. This is an alternative way to upload packages into MSP and is useful if you have many to import at once. This might confirm that the package is OK. Also try uploading the same apf to another MSP server it could be the package and not MSP. Try stopping and restarting the services from the MSP dashboard as well. Good Luck.

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