MSP Remote Control problem on MSP 3.2.1

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T Tibet Ogurtani 3 years 9 months ago
3 9 0

Hi team, I installed the RemoteControlandMonitor3.2.8 package on my MC7596 terminal (by pushing a bundle with a policy). I am checking the package on the terminal. It seems the package is installed. I see it in the airbeam client. But I can not make remote capture on the device. But all other Remote Control buttons work (view keyborard,registry, File manager, device info, processes, send message etc). Is it possible that it is a browser issue? I am using IE 8.0 (I also tried on 6.0) One more question, I do not see Collection Analysis link under Control button. What would be the reason for this? I installed a demo control licence for 10 terminals (from MSP compass pages) Thanks a lot, Tibet

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9 Replies

A Allan Herrod

Tibet; At this point, it seems all the obvious things have been checked.  I would say you need to open a case with the help desk so they can walk you through it one step at a time to see if they can help you resolve this issue. Allan


Tibet, Give a last try with installing JRE on the PC. Sanjay Nare

A Avinash Sanka

Hi Tibet,


From our testing we confirmed that absence of JRE causes the remote UI control does not function. When we install latest JRE, we could do remote session to the device.


Steps followed:

1. Installed JRE and checked the remote UI works

2. Now uninstalled JRE and confirmed the remote UI does not work (A cross mark is seen on the top of the UI). But, I can still work with File manager, registry manager, send message, etc.

3. Again after installing JRE and I was able to work with remote UI in Remote control


Please find the free download JRE version at the following link…


Thanks & Regards,


A Allan Herrod

Tibet; When you say that "Remote Capture" does not work, can you be more specific.  Do you mean that you are clicking the BMP or JPEG links to try and save a screen shot of the device screen and it is not working?  Can you describe exactly what you are trying and the exact results youy get that are different from what you expect?  Screen shots showing what you clicked and any error messages, etc. would be helpful. As for Collection Analysis, you must have installed SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and configured MSP to access it during installation of the MSP Server for the MSP Collection Analyis feature to be available.  Unless that feature is available, the Collection Analysis tab will not be shown, even if you have Control Edition.  Without that feature, you can collect data and view collected data, but you will be able to view the statistical analysis of that data.


Tibet, Check the Active X control and JRE on your PC.. Sanjay

T Tibet Ogurtani

Hi Alan, Sorry for late feedback. Collection analysis works now with MS SQL 2005 Std Ed. with analysis feature. But Remote UI in Remote Control still does not work. I can capture bmp or jpg image of the screen but can not make remote control of the terminal (remote desktop) I enabled everything related with ActiveX. Still no change. I tried Chrome, IE 6,7,8 and mozilla. Best Regards Tibet

T Tibet Ogurtani

Hi Sean, Thanks for the reply. I tried it with different browsers (IE 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, GChrome, Firefox etc) but the result did not change. All other functionality on the remote control works perfect but remote capture :( I also appreciate feedback on why I do not see Control analysis under Control tab. I attached a screenshot to help. Thanks a lot Tibet

S Sean Wheatley

I'm not sure but perhaps the analysis buttons under the control tab are missing due to the analysis feature not being installed/enabled within MSP. Check the MSP dashboard for the status of the Analysis engine. Also where is the MSP server in relation to your PC? I've seen a strange problem in the past when whole tabs within MSP have disappeared. On that occasion it only happened when I connected through the work proxy server. It seemed to screw up the formatting of the web pages dont ask me why.

Perhaps try another HHT does it happen with that also? or clean up your MC75 and reload the packages. I normally do a bundle for abup30/enable30 and another for Getadapters/Rem Ctrl. You can also access/stop/start  the Athena client on the MC75 under \app\MSP\Control\... might be worth checking that it is running OK.


S Sean Wheatley

I think it is your browser  - I am not sure if IE 8 is supported with 3.2.1 I would try IE 6 again and check the java and security settings are all OK.

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