How to change port of Web server (CE 5.0)

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M Milan Riha 3 years 9 months ago
1 2 0

Case - 2045042 Model - MC17T OS - BSP35 Response - 2 days 
TA would like to change the default port of the web server on the MC17 (no more the 80) for one project, changing the parameter port under the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\HTTPD] as described here or



The port that is used to receive http connections. This default port setting is 80. Do not change the port setting.

 Unfortunately it does not work on MC17 but also not on MC3090 or MC9090 running CE 5.0 (BSP35).

 Is it possible changing the port setting on our CE 5.0 terminals? Or I misunderstood those setting. Many Thanks Milan

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2 Replies

D David Meyer

The documentation you quoted says "Do not change the port setting", so I think you can be pretty sure this is not designed to allow the port to be changed. -Dave

M Milan Riha

Thanks Dave. The other link doesnt mention that -

Default setting is 80. This port receives HTTP connections. Do not set the port to zero (0). When the Web Server is running from Services.exe, which is the default, this value is ignored and Services.exe becomes the super server.

From this I suppose that web server on our terminals is running from Services.exe so the port cannot be changed with registry. E.g. Local page of Datawedge is using different port than 80. When you launch Datwedge then in IE you can see the following - http://localhost:48873/dwui/index.html But the port is changed programatically with application dwhttpd.exe and not with registry. So I will write to customer that the port can be changed programatically - Registering a Super Service Programmatically -> Thanks Milan

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