API to detect if device performed cold boot

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Y Yoav Gottreich 3 years 9 months ago
2 8 0

Is there any API to detect if an MC95 has been cold-booted?

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8 Replies

Y Yoav Gottreich

It works! Two warm boots but it works... Thank you.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

If you create your own file on Cache Disk (i.e, a dummy text file), is it also deleted after warm booting?

Y Yoav Gottreich

Yes... Files, folders, everything is cleared.

V Vikram Mangeshwar

The Cache disk is not persistent across warmboots by default. In earlier platforms, the following Registry key could be set to make Cache disk persistent across warmboots (Not sure if this works for MC95).



Note: Two warmboots might be required for this regkey to actually take effect

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Try using a "flag" dummy file on Cache Disk folder (the only volatile on WM 5 or 6). A warm boot would not delete it, but a cold boot should do (in theory). So, if this file is not found, this means a cold boot did happen. I hope this helps.

Y Yoav Gottreich


Y Yoav Gottreich

:-( Files on Cache Disk are deleted after warm boot even (apparently....). Boot count reg key is invcremented after cold boot & warm boot so problem still exist...


check the boot count - its in the registry. [HKLM\comm] BootCount On a cleanboot (cold for CE devices) its reset to 1 and incremented every warmboot.

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