FCC Application data for 3.65GHz

B Bruce Collins 3 years 9 months ago
2 1 0

The following information is required when adding a tower location in the FCC database to register the site for 3.65GHz operation.  We don't yet have FCC certification and the product won't ship until March but many customers are requesting this data already to begin populating the database. - Bruce

SM:  ABZ89FT7633

AP:  ABZ89FT7632

SM Emission Designator:

5MHz channel:   4M67W7D

7MHz channel:   6M77W7D

10MHz channel: 9M50W7D

AP Emission Designator:

5MHz channel:   5M00W7D

7MHz channel:   6M94W7D

10MHz channel: 9M67W7D

AP Antenna model number:  85010090001

AP Antenna Manufacturer:  Motorola 

AP Antenna Gain (dBi):  16.5 dBi gain 

AP Antenna Beamwidth:  60° horizontal 8° elevation

AP Antenna Polarization:  Dual Polarity +/- 45 degree 

EIRP (dBm): Maximum 39 dBm limited to 1W/1MHz of channel bandwidth

Modulation Scheme:  64QAM


Transmission Protocol Restricted or Unrestricted:

 The PMP320 uses restricted contention protocol which means it can operate only in the lower 25MHz of the 3.65GHz spectrum.

Protocol Description

            Physical Layer: 802.16e-2005 (5 MHz channel: 512 FFT; 7/10MHz channel: 1024FFT)

            MAC Layer:       802.16e-2005

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1 Replies

V Vernon Tindell

This is great information, but we need a "registration guide" to help our customers register for both the Nationwide and site licenses.  Is something like that in the works?

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